Has the Republican Party gone off the deep end?  Oh brother, what a question!  They are exactly what they rail against regarding extreme Islam, their hate of public establishments and the like. They are the anti-Christ incarnate. The utter hypocrisy with which they argue is totally astounding.  Without even considering the religious right piece of this which is truly unbelievable in itself, you have a party platform that is a throw-back to the turn of the century from the 1900's!

This 2012 platform is full of buzzwords regarding family values, the American dream and other freedom sounding malarkey! When in fact if you read a little deeper it is full of hate speech, bigotry, divisive politics and most importantly fanaticism.  This is the platform of the party of extremists.  What they are preaching is Republican Sharia law. They want the most extreme law to replace our democratic system to suit a certain viewpoint or ideology (like that of Tony Perkins and other similar nut ****s).

Just having conservative ideals is not acceptable to this goose-stepping, rabid bunch of nuts!  Maybe my speech is too ill tempered and unfair.  Is Todd Akin's belief in "legitimate rape" not crazy? He believed that women can physiologically deter pregnancy in the case of what he called "legitimate rape"!  How about Michelle Bachmann and her imbecilic rants, or Sarah Palin, Allen West, Joe Walsh, Paul Broun to name some of the nuttiest ones... I could go on but what is the point? There are incredibly so many kook remarks by elected Republican party members that you cannot help but think they have completely fallen off the edge. Seemingly the public's perception of the party is slow in catching up with reality since the crazy rhetoric is unbelievably to date widely accepted! 

What?  I know it sounds insane but the loud minority has yet to disavow the platform or many of the crazies in the party. These are the things that candidate Romney and others in the party are campaigning on.